2007年9月7日 星期五

See who liveing in Taiwan ~

A couple customer ...
The girl from Canada ..
The men from North America
They are the English Teacher in Taiwan ..
and they speak very well in Chinese ..
see how many people like to live in Taiwan ~

Made people stay look windows

The girl looking at inside display window's samlpe food

Mermaid's display window

ANNA SUI's make up shop

Girl's bra's display window

hmmm....not really know about this ..

well all display window all make people to stand there while..

2007年9月6日 星期四

Whold Day ..... You Are look at What i have in the day ~

Morning walked in Taipei stree ~

Mcdonald's ...

my lunch ~

all people work for shop's picture

dinner ~

Love in 85℃ ~ A new Coffee shop

See the all sweet cake

Fresh Morning in Taipei ~

I need through this road everyday

When i on the bridge

I start near working place ...

Some people already start the working day ...

2007年9月5日 星期三

A day as Taipei ~

My best breakfast ~

Morning Taipei stree ~

The scooter on sale ~

Hard sales ~

The woman walk hurry Because is raining ~

Somebody dont want walk at wet Taipei stree
they by TAXI

2007年9月4日 星期二

The store inside ...
see the busy people at shopping ..

Who is one a Security personnel
keep store safe